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Alcohol Consumption and Obesity: An Update

However, the best way to limit weight gain from alcohol is to consume less or no alcohol. The empty calories will not make you feel full and can add extra pounds. Alcohol can cause weight gain and have a negative impact on the body. Some people may see an immediate...

8 Ways to Avoid Drug Addiction

After you’ve built a tolerance to both substances, you may increase the amount consumed in order to avoid experiencing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. In these cases, some individuals may turn to more addictive substances – heroin, cocaine and ecstasy – to...

Does Alcohol Really Help You Relax?

CNS neurotransmitters play an important role in the development of alcohol addiction. The mesocorticolimbic dopamine system (or the so‐called brain reward system, Figure 1) is one of the established neurobiological systems involved during the development and...